Webmail RoundCube in Hosting
Our hosting plans feature an innovative webmail application called Roundcube, which can provide you with pretty much all of the features of a typical email program. You have access to it straight from a browser by entering your email address and password or using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Taking into consideration the functions that Roundcube features, you'll be able to use it as an addition to an e-mail app or as a separate app. In case you host a business site and your personnel use webmail, you can have the app within a tailor-made URL with the enterprise domain name in a few simple steps. With a handful of clicks it's also possible to set up folders, customize the time zone in accordance to your position, set up an address book or configure various identities for virtually any given e-mail.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a semi-dedicated server plan with our company, it is possible to handle your electronic communication through the feature-rich Roundcube webmail application. The application is extremely easy to use and has a large amount of features that you could see in a pc email application including setting up aliases, an address book or custom HTML signatures. When you take a trip, you'll be able to change the time zone for your mailbox with just a handful of mouse clicks. It is possible to log in to a mail box either by simply clicking on it within the Emails part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel or by entering the email and its password in the webmail login web page. In case you host a business or an enterprise site, you could also set up a custom made URL with your domain where the workers can log in to their web mail. With Roundcube, you're able to monitor your e-mail correspondence from any location and any system.